
Hello beautiful -

As a Master CTC Therapist, Reiki, EFT/NLP Practitioner, Hypnosis Therapist, Meditation, Massage, Breathwork Therapist, Retreat Facilitator and Yoga Teacher, my unwavering dedication is to empower people to live their very best lives.

I want you to know that you can because you can.

If you change one thing, everything changes. With years of experience in the field, I have helped countless individuals overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Helping them fall in love with themselves and their life.

I work with women, men and children to help them live their best lives and be the best versions of themselves.

Experience the transformative power of CTC therapy which helps you let go of all that does not serve you, all that is holding you back, and all that is keeping you stuck, enabling you to move forward in life.

I am a Retreat Facilitator for empowering, releasing, letting go, and receiving so you can move forward and live your greatest life. I want you to know you can be, do, and have all that your heart desires. 

My vision is to show you how you can be the greatest version of yourself and give you the tools to know that you can be, do, and have all that your heart desires.

For you to remember that you can because you can.

You were born to shine bright, so shine as bright as you can and be the star you were born to be.

Breathe - Believe - Surrender

My vision


“The most powerful thing you can do - the thing that will give you much greater leverage than any action - is to spend time every day visualising your life as you want it to be.

We encourage that you go to a quiet and private environment for 15 minutes every day where you can close your eyes and imagine your body, your environment, your relationships and your life in ways that pleases you.

What has been nothing to do with what will be, and what other experience has nothing to do with your experience; but you must find a way to seperate yourself from all of that - from the past and from others - in order to be what you want to be.”

— Abraham Hicks

Experience and Education

  • Certified in Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga and Meditation Teacher

  • Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner

  • Master’s degree in CTC Therapy - (combined therapy cocktail)

  • Certified NLP, EFT, Past Life Regression and Hypnosis Practitioner

  • Lomi Lomi Massage Therapist