My story

Hello, I am Narelle Canellis (Nell)

Born in Young, Australia on 28th February 1973.

An inspirational healer and Master CTC Therapist, a yoga, meditation, and breathwork teacher, Reiki, hypnosis, EFT/NLP, and Lomi Lomi massage therapist, retreat facilitator, soul coach, and Master CTC - Combined Therapy Cocktail Therapist.

I love doing what I do and know that it is my true purpose in life to help as many as I can with all my knowledge, heart, and soul to live their best life.

I have always felt a connection with spirit and knew from a very young age that there was more to just being here and that we as humans could change anything if we desire the need to, and that is what I did. You see, I never finished school and was taken from my mother when I was 6 years old to live with my grandparents.

As a young girl, I experienced and witnessed a lot of trauma, including domestic violence, alcohol, drugs, and sexual abuse. I found out close to my 50th birthday that my father wasn't my real father, only to stumble upon this when joining I also found out that I am Lebanese. Now, I could play the victim game and say poor me, I've been lied to and who am I, but knowing what I know now, my choice and my thinking is I am who I am because of me, not my parents. I am not my mother, I am not my father, partner, siblings, friends, or anyone else. I am beautiful and uniquely me.

I know this is because of all that I do in all my training and healing therapies that have brought me to this discovery. I am alive right now in this moment and I get to choose how I am being and living right now.

In my teens and twenties, I turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain for which I had been subjected to, for me to feel like I was something and worthy of being loved and that I was good enough.

One day, I woke up knowing this wasn't the answer, that I was, and I had to change things because no one was coming to save me, it had to be me - so, I am extremely passionate about what I do because I know it works and changes lives, it has changed my life dramatically!!

I know we are all conditioned and programmed from the start and that our egos play a very huge part in what's stopping us from living our most amazing life, and yes, we all have stories, but that's exactly what it is: a story, and we get to change it - we always get to rewrite our story, and the best part of all is we get to write the ending, so make it the goddamn best ending you can because you can!!!

In all of my therapies that I am trained in, we go to the root cause of what is blocking you from feelings, fears, and beliefs, and we flick it and switch it for you to stand in your power to know you can be, do, and have anything you desire. I had feelings, fears, and beliefs that made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I thought I was dumb because I didn't finish school and how could anyone love me when I thought my own mother and father didn't.

I had huge trust and rejection issues and did not like or trust men, huge rejection issues from feeling not wanted and abandoned, guilt for being taken away from my mother, thinking it was my fault and who was going to look after her if I wasn't there to do it. My god, I was 6 years old.

None of these feelings were mine to carry. It was the conditioning and programming that made me think it was. I have done so much work on healing myself and will continue till I take my last breath. I know we get to choose how we are going to be in the moment and that no one can steal your power or make you feel the way you do unless you allow them.

You get to change anything you want! You can because you can!!

You have the power and you are the power.

I know my parents were doing the best they could with what they had been given and conditioned and programmed with themselves, and I love them. I understand because as a parent, I am doing the best that I can and if you don't know, you don’t know.

For many years, I have used visualisations, manifestations, affirmations, meditation, EFT, and hypnosis, which have brought me right to where I am today - this stuff really works.

I am not dumb. I am loved. I can trust. I am worthy. I am enough and always have been and always will be. And you are too! I am so much more because I believe I am and you can too.

What you think, feel, and imagine, we become. Carefully choose what you think and say because it will come back to you, whatever you send out, you get back, you are the creator!

Life is truly what you want it to be and expect it to be.

Breathe, believe, surrender.

You have so got this and so have I.

From my heart to yours, I send you all the love and healing you want and need.

And you can because you can.

Reach out to me now so together we can have you living your very best life now.