
Please connect with me on Facebook for retreat dates and booking information

Inner Essence Retreat

Welcome to your inner essence, this retreat is for you to remember who you are.

Where your light shines within you.

Join me for 3 days of shutting the world out so you can go deep within to where your light is.

In this retreat you will learn how to listen to your intuition and truly love the soul that you are.

Come together with like minded women who also want what you want.

Together we will come together in:

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Sound healing

  • Silence

  • Breathwork

  • Reiki Healing

To quiet the ego voice, so you can stand in your power knowing you can -

Because you can achieve and have what you want in your life.

Within your true inner essence the magic exists

Are you ready to shine

Are you ready to live

Are you ready to find your true inner essence?

Because you’re worth it, and always will be.

Allow yourself to release all that does not serve you and open your heart to receive all the nurturing and support in this loving space. Connect with like-minded, beautiful women who, like you, want to live their best lives and be the best versions of themselves. Let me and my team of amazing healers give you all that you need on this special day.

What You Will Receive:

  • Massage

  • Reflexology

  • Art Therapy

  • Yoga (slow flow, beginners level)

  • Meditation

  • Reiki

  • Tarot/Medium Reading

  • Breathwork

  • Chi Gong

  • Energy Healing

  • Gift Bag

  • Morning Tea, Lunch, and Afternoon Tea

  • A Guest Speaker

  • One-on-One with me, Nell

There’s no pressure to participate in everything; you can choose to engage in as much or as little as you want. Whatever you choose is perfectly fine.

By the end of this day, you’ll leave with a clear mind, a peaceful heart, and a renewed love for yourself, equipped with the tools to live a more fulfilling life.

This retreat is a safe, loving, and nurturing space for you to be still and reconnect with yourself. I am super excited to share this amazing day with you and look forward to connecting with you.

Join us and nurture YOU for all that you are!

Nurture You Retreat

Heart and Soul Retreat

Join us for a beautiful retreat designed to open your heart and heal your soul. Together with my team of healers, we will help you free yourself from past traumas and release all that no longer serves you, empowering you to live a life filled with joy, happiness, confidence, and abundance.

On this transformative journey, you will receive the guidance needed to push through feelings, fears, and limiting beliefs, enabling you to stand in your power. In a safe and loving environment, you will be supported and uplifted by our healers, allowing you to let go of everything holding you back and embrace the life you were born to live.

What’s On Offer:

  • Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Sound Healing

  • Breathwork

  • Dance Therapy

  • EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

  • Manifesting Workshop

  • Women’s Circle

  • Up close and personal with Nell, where she shares her story and strategies for living a better life

No pressure to participate in every activity, though we highly recommend it to fully experience all that your heart and soul are yearning for.

Bonus: Each participant will receive a beautiful gift bag with a journal and other hand-picked gifts from Nell.

Embrace this opportunity to heal, grow, and thrive in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Hello I am writing this with a full heart for you Nell and your team

I can’t thank you enough for the space you held me in over the weekend at your Heart & Soul retreat.

I went with no idea of what to really expect and I was blown away from the moment I entered. Your energy and your cuddles made me and all the girls feel at home and so loved and accepted right from the start! I released so much that I didn’t even know I had, and left with so much love for myself and realising that I can do anything. You gave me the tools to shift the negativity and push through the fear. I never expected anything like your retreat and I highly recommend it. I don’t even think you know Nell just how much it has changed my life. I walk in broken and lonely and walked out alive, connected and with friends.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

I had the most amazing time at Nell’s heart and soul retreat

As soon as we turned down the driveway we entered a world of peace and tranquility. The gorgeous bush setting soothes the soul, not to mention the awesome yoga, meditation and so much more!

The breath work was such an incredible life changing experience for me it left me feeling light free and relaxed.

Her beautiful soul sisters who also took part are such gorgeous happy, smiley humans who fill you with positivity. I left feeling so much calmer and balanced. I can’t wait to go again!

This was one of the most empowering and moving experiences I have ever had!

My sister and I went along to Nell’s healing retreat at Murringo a few months ago!

This was one of the most empowering and moving experiences I have ever had!

I would highly recommend Nell and her beautiful gift of making every single person feel unique.

Thank you Nell! Love your work!

Breathe, Believe, Surrender